Pillar 8 - Knowledge vs. Imagination

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand… while imagination embraces the entire world and all there will ever BE to know and understand.” -Einstein

Your rational mind is limited to your opinions, beliefs and ego thoughts. Intuition and knowingness is capable of unlimited understanding. 

When it comes to decision-making, we often rely on our knowledge and logical thinking. Our minds are shaped by our education, experiences, and beliefs, which can sometimes limit our ability to see beyond what we already know. Imagination, however, introduces a different dimension to our decision-making process. It allows us to entertain possibilities that may not be grounded in our current understanding or beliefs. By tapping into our imagination, we open the door to new perspectives and creative solutions that can help us navigate complex situations. This shift from relying solely on knowledge to incorporating imagination allows us to access a broader range of possibilities and outcomes.

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